A well defined development process is key for a successful Software Development team. Transparency and common understanding, will help new developers get up to speed more quickly and allow more flexibility for further modifications. This may sound a bit chaotic, but your development process should be prepared to allow constant improvements (modifications). Obviously you shouldn't change something just for the sake of it; identify what value does your modification bring and make a conscious decision before applying it; ask your team members, or even the whole department, what do they think about your change and how it will help them; also, things that look obvious to you, might not seem so obvious to someone else, so think about the impact your tweak will have on your team workflow. What I am saying can be interpreted as common sense, and it should be, however you would be amazed by how often people disregard common sense. And I can tell you, changing something without a reason can be as dangerous as not changing at all.